NEW Warehouse Order Picking Trolley with Folding Steps (20.MT9)
21 Mar

NEW Warehouse Order Picking Trolley with Folding Steps (20.MT9)

  • Posted by text_none_author
  • Views 464

This new warehouse order picking trolley with folding steps (20.MT9) is a platform that can be used to assist with the process of safely picking and fulfilling orders in a warehouse or distribution centre. The trolley has the option to insert several shelves for storing items, as well as handles and is fitted with two fixed, one central and two braked swivel castors for easy manoeuvrability.

Warehouse order picking trolleys are commonly used in e-commerce and retail distribution centres, where workers need to quickly and efficiently pick and pack individual items for shipment. By using this trolley, workers can easily transport items from one location to another, reducing the need for them to repeatedly walk back and forth to a central storage area.

This new warehouse order picking trolley can help improve the efficiency and accuracy of the order fulfilment process, while also reducing worker fatigue and strain.

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