Ensure optimal workplace safety and efficiency with our Safety Steps featuring a platform guard, short handrail, and 5 treads, providing a working height of 2.77 meters (approximately 9 feet). This ro...
S041 Warehouse Safety Steps with Platform, Handrail, 3
Anti-Slip TreadsRobust warehouse safety steps with platform, handrail and 3
anti-slip treads. Spring loaded castors lower to the ground under t...
Robust warehouse safety steps
with platform, handrail and 4 anti-slip treads. Spring loaded castors lower to
the ground under the operator's weight to securely hold the safety steps in position.
Robust warehouse safety steps with platform,
handrail and 5 anti-slip treads. Spring loaded castors lower to the ground
under the operator's weight to securely hold the safety steps in position. The...